Speaker: Dr. T. Jaya Lakshmi (Alumni) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, SRM University, AP Venue: New seminar room Date: 13th September 2023 Time: 3pm Title: Complex Network Analysis: Problems, Applications and Techniques Abstract: Complex network analysis is a field of study that focuses on the analysis, modeling, and understanding of complex systems represented as networks. These networks consist of nodes (representing entities or components) and edges (representing relationships or interactions) between these nodes. Complex network analysis has applications in various fields, including social science, biology, transportation, communication, and more. Researchers use it to gain insights into the structure and dynamics of complex systems, leading to applications in fields such as social network analysis, biological network analysis, transportation planning and many more. This talk introduces the foundations of network analysis. Then introduces various research problems such as Community Detection, Influence Analysis, Link Prediction and Recommender Systems, with a special emphasis on Link Prediction (LP). The talk explores existing LP techniques and concludes by highlighting the research gaps in this area.